The RACE group of companies is a manufacturer of VSATs with antenna diameter from 1 to 2.4 m, a CES with a diameter of 3.2-9.4 m as well as some types of equipment, including satellite dishes, BUC amplifiers-converters, exciters, and microwave filters. The equipment is manufactured at the factory of the RACE group of companies in the Moscow region.
Own production allows the company to quickly and flexibly respond to customer needs as well as, if necessary, to provide the shortest possible time for repair of failed equipment.
Ku-and C-band Central Earth Stations
The satellite communication central earth stations (CEC) act as a central node and provide control over the entire network operation, redistribution of the network resources, troubleshooting, coupling with land communication links, and, if necessary, charging of network services. Depending on the antenna diameter and the operating conditions, the central earth stations are equipped with a reflector heating system and an auto tracking system.
- Offset or prime focus antenna with a diameter from 0.9 m to 2.4 m
- Highly stable receiving converter of the extended Ku-band (10700-12750 MHz)
- Transmitter (BUC) from 2 to 40 W
- Satellite modem with the following operation modes: a point-to-point station, a "star" network station, a station of a fully connected network.
Ku-band Satellite Communication Subscriber Stations
Terminal earth stations (TES) of satellite communications are intended to organize communication links in the Ku-band and include:
- Antenna post with a parabolic offset or prime focus reflector with a diameter from 1.3 m to 2.4 m
- Highly stable receiving converter of the extended С-band (3400-4200 MHz)
- BUC amplifiers converters from 30 to 400 W
- Satellite modem with the following operation modes: continuous (SCPC, DVB-S,DVB-S2), packet (TDMA).
С-band Satellite Communication Subscriber Stations
Terminal earth stations (TES) of satellite communications are intended to organize communication links in the С-band and include: