New Internet access.

Canadian company Eicon Technology
    announced at the exhibition its new product -
a communication platform for Internet access on
    SCO server database. During February , the series
    presentations of this product took place all over the
    the world, and at UnixExpo'96, a software manager arrived in Moscow
    Unix products of the company Marc Perrin. The meeting with him
took place at the stand of Race Communications - the main
    the Russian partner of Eicon Technology.


    Talking about the features of the new development, he
noted that it was conducted jointly with SCO as
part of a project to create an Internet server under the codename
    named ATLAS. "It is about
    The Internet server," Mr. Perrin emphasized. - Because
    our communication platform provides
    connecting the server and the local network
    directly to the Internet". ATLAS Project ideology
    implied the presence of very fast
    communication channels that, according to Mr.
    Perren, managed to be implemented due to
    using Eicon Technology. In particular,
    communication card built into the server,
    avoids excessive traffic
    local area network: traffic for the Internet generated by
    by the server, directly transmitted to the network
    Internet, bypassing intermediate communication
    devices like routers. Standard
    the speed of the server connection to the Internet is 2
    Mbit/s. Thus, according to Mr. Perrin,
    the user gets something more by
    features than a traditional web server.
    "The WWW server is ultimately just an environment
    processing hypertext messages," he explained.
    - Our Internet server provides users with
    features such as an asynchronous port for
transmitting information, access authorization, as
well as various billing (settlement)


    According to">Dmitry Orlov,
    The technical director of Race Communications, Russian
will find the cost of the proposed solution especially attractive.
    For example, the resources of the communication controller
    Eicon Technology firms are such that as a server
    you can use a much less powerful
computer than is necessary, for example, for installation
    NT servers. According to his estimates, a ready-made solution
    it works satisfactorily in real conditions
    based on a Pentium 75 MHz server with 32 MB of RAM.


    Also, the statement of Mr.
    Perrin that SCO and Eicon Technology have agreed on a new
    approach to pricing by deciding that the price BY
    should become purely nominal, i.e. the customer
    I have to pay mainly for the equipment.


    Thus, to implement a ready-made solution,
    providing direct access to the Internet
    from the local corporate network, required by SCO
    Open Server 5, Eicon-card communication controller,
software modules for its management and
Eicon Technology communication products.
    The last group is a new family
    Eicon card Connection for Unix, which includes three products: IP
    Connect, X.25 Connect, SNA Connect. At the beginning of March it is
    the equipment can be ordered in Russia.


    Mr. Perrin particularly noted the properties of product X.25
Connect, which, according to him, is
    a fully functional development environment
    applications focused on communication
    channels x.25. It implements two methods of working with
    X.25: streams technology, standard for the Unix environment, and
an original interface that allows you to transfer
    applications to other operating systems. The latest feature
(Eicon Technology's own development) opens
    new horizons for X.25 networks.

Race Communications specializes in
    system integration in the field of corporate and
telecommunication systems. Company
    offers solutions based on products and
technologies of the world's leading manufacturers
    network and computer equipment and software
    Software: Motorola ING, PairGain, Cisco, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, RAD Data,
    MultiTech, Eicon, APC, Novell, Citrix, Patton Electronics, etc. More
    For more information about Race Communications, please
    to find out by phone (495) 785-0770, on the Web server or by email .

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