Press release: Race Communications connects 8 Mbit/s ADSL Ethernet segments.
Race Communications, one of the leading
Russian system integrators,
started delivering new devices of the Megabit family in April
Modem of ADC (PairGain) Technologies, the world's largest
manufacturer of xDSL equipment using
Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) technology.
Megabit Modem 310F (central
device) and 320F (remote device) devices are equipped
with 10 Mbit/s Ethernet ports and provide
data transmission over a single twisted pair with a scab of 7.04 Mbit/s
from 310F to 320F and 928 kbit/s in the opposite direction.
A promising technology is used for modulation
DMT in accordance with the requirements of the ANSI
T1.413 standard. The transmission rate can be changed
in 32 kbit/s samples, the minimum speed is 64 kbit/s.
This significantly increases the length
of the line on which Megabit Modem 310F/320F can operate.
The new products are equipped with a console
port for configuration and management. They
perform the function of Ethernet bridges (transparent bridge) and
are able to “learn” up to 8192 addresses of network
Megabit Modem 310F and 320F work only in pairs
with each other and serve to combine segments
Ethernet in simple configuration networks.
Their use is most effective in applications with
asymmetric traffic, for example, when
remote clients access a central database.
Modest dimensions (175 mm x 140 mm x 31 mm) and weight (630 g)
make it easy to install new devices
even in “overcrowded” offices.
“A pair of Megabit Modem 310F/320F is
a great addition to the much—in-demand
MM 300S SDSL devices," said Rafael Shamiev,
Senior Product Manager at Race Communications. "They
are ideal for asymmetric
client-server applications.”
Retail price of Megabit Modem 310F products and
320F at Race Communications is less than $500.
Thus, the cost of a solution for connecting
two Ethernet segments using
high-speed 8 Mbit/s ADSL technology does not
exceed $1000.
Race Communications specializes in
system integration in the field of corporate and
telecommunication systems. The company
offers solutions based on products and
technologies of the world's leading manufacturers
of network and computer equipment and
software: Motorola ING, PairGain, Cisco, Compaq, VTEL, Hewlett-Packard,
Lucent, Siemens, RAD Data, MultiTech, Eicon, Elteco, APC, Novell, Citrix, Patton
Electronics, etc. For more information about
Race Communications, please call (495)
785-0770, 916-RACE (916-7223), on the Web server or by
email .