Press release: Telephone and fax communication in the FRAME RELAY network.
On October 17 and 18 , Ufa hosted
conference on the construction and
operation of regional data transmission networks
with the integration of telephone and fax services
communications. The main reason for its holding was
completion of the second stage of development
The Republican integrated network, as a
result of which the operator of the ICC
"Express" network was able to offer
to its subscribers (over 1000 in 54 localities
Bashkiria) two new services: telephone communication by
Frame Relay (FR) channels and Internet access.
The conference participants were particularly interested in
coverage and practical demonstration
of speech and fax transmission technologies using the FR protocol.
ICC "Express" became the first in Russia and one
one of the few operators in the world that offered this
service on a commercial basis (up to
recently , it has been provided,
for example, in the USA only one company and in Germany -
three). Moreover, "Express" - throughout
apparently, the only operator who solved this
problem on the basis of existing telephone cables.
As a developer and system administrator
the integrator of the project was the Russian branch
the American company Race Communications. Equipment
supplied by Motorola ISG.
The Bashkir
Bank of Sberbank of Russia was the first to use the new service. Already three of its branches in
remote areas of the republic can exchange
with the central office in Ufa, data and fax, as
well as conduct telephone conversations on one (for
each branch) virtual channel, other
in other words, the bank has no need to pay
long-distance telephone conversations.
Race Communications specializes in
system integration in the field of corporate and
telecommunication systems. Company
offers solutions based on products and
technologies of the world's leading manufacturers
network and computer equipment and software
Software: Motorola ING, PairGain, Cisco, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, RAD Data,
MultiTech, Eicon, APC, Novell, Citrix, Patton Electronics, etc. More
For more information about Race Communications, please
to find out by phone (495) 785-0770, on the Web server or by email .