Press release: Race Communications Training Center is two years old.
Race Communications Training Center, specializing in system integration in areas of corporate networks, has been operating since March 1996 has been authorized by Motorola University (USA) and Eicon Technology (Canada) for a year and today.
The opening of the center was preceded by a lot of preparatory work carried out the company in 1995: leading employees the technical Department was trained in the Training Center Eicon Technology Center in England, for a classroom a special room was prepared, equipped with computers, telecommunications and presentation equipment, the Center received the status of Eicon Authorized Training Center. It is also important that the teachers became the most experienced Race Communications engineers who have extensive practical experience in designing and creation of telecommunication networks.
In January 1997, the Training Center received status of Motorola University Authorized Training Center, for what The teachers were trained at Motorola University ISG Training Center in England. The new status allowed significantly expand the course program, offered by the Center. Today the greatest product training is in demand Motorola ISG - the world's largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment equipment.
The training center offers students you can choose from a set of training programs on protocols and types of telecommunication networks (X.25, Frame Relay, SNA, ISDN, ATM, etc.), according to the methods integrated data, voice and video transmission, across all Eicon products Technology, Motorola ISG and Cisco, by system family network management Motorola Open Management System 9000. Total the duration of the course set is over 400 academic hours. Product Courses identical to those read in the training centers of manufacturing companies, but read in Russian.
Striving to improve the service customers, specialists of the Training Center develop individual courses that take into account customer wishes. Such courses have been conducted, for example, for the companies Global One, Informgaz and others. To be constantly in the front the edge of communication technologies and corporate systems, teachers regularly improve their skills in training centers companies Cisco, Compaq, RAD Data, etc.
Equipment of the Training Center allows you to simulate specific network solutions and conduct laboratory work in real conditions. Computers of the training center (Compaq PC, Hewlett-Packard workstation) are connected to a local network that is connected to global Internet and Global One networks. Modern projection equipment, detailed manuals they also help to increase the effectiveness of the educational process . process.
For two years in an Authorized Educational Institution About 150 specialists of Severgazprom and Gazprombank have been trained at the Race Communications Center, Sberbank of Russia and Moscow, Global One companies, ICC "Express" (Bashkortostan), "Informgaz", "Sochielektrosvyaz", Federal aviation Service of Russia and other customers.
The next stage of educational development The Race Communications center is linked to the organization at the end 1997 on its basis of the Department of Information technologies of International Engineering university. This allows you to conduct training according to the "License for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of professional education", issued by the State Committee of Russia for Higher Education education.
In a new capacity, the Race Training Center Communications has big plans for the future. Together with The content, scope and subject matter of training courses and laboratory work will change with the update of telecommunication products and technologies. It is planned to develop and open on a Web server Race Communications companies have separate courses for distance learning. There are plans to introduce a system for assessing students' knowledge (exam) and giving them diplomas after training state-issued professional development certificate.