Press release: The Mobile Employees service has been launched in the Central Federal District.
MTS has launched the "Mobile Employees" service into commercial operation in 10 regions of the 1st Central Federal District. The new service allows you to track the location of personnel, cars and cargo on an electronic map, as well as keep records of movements and coordinate the actions of employees of MTS corporate clients. The Mobile Employees service will be, first of all, of interest to companies whose activities are related to transport logistics and cargo transportation.
"This is the first experience of a mobile operator implementing a service for corporate clients based on determining the subscriber's location in the regions of the Central Federal District. We expect that the new service will become popular among companies engaged in cargo transportation and delivery. Mobile Employees is an inexpensive and effective tool for optimizing the activities of companies of this profile," said Oleg Leonov, Marketing Director of the Center macro region of MTS OJSC.
The developer of the service was the Mobile Park company, part of the Race group of companies. Mobile Park is rightfully considered the leading Russian company in the field of location services (LBS) for corporate clients and individuals.
"We plan to continue working on expanding the territorial coverage of the service," commented Mikhail Khazhinsky, General Director of Mobile Park. "The next step in the development of the service in the region will be the connection of six more regions that are part of the responsibility of the macro–region "Center" of MTS OJSC.
More detailed information about the Mobile Employees service and the conditions for its connection can be obtained at the MTS Key Customer Service Center at 0990 or on the company's regional websites.
1 The service has been put into commercial operation in the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions.
For more information, please contact:
Public Relations Department of MTS OJSC
Alexander Belyakov
tel.: +7 910 351 99 91
(4742) 39-69-72
Mobile Park LLC
Egor Ivantsov, Project Manager
Mikhail Khazhinsky, General Director
tel. +7 (495) 785-07-70
JSC "Mobile TeleSystems"
JSC "Mobile TeleSystems" (MTS) is the largest mobile operator in Russia and the CIS countries. Together with its subsidiaries, the company serves more than 74.99 million subscribers. The population of 84 regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, where MTS and its subsidiaries have licenses to provide services in the GSM standard, is more than 230 million people. Since June 2000, MTS shares have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the code MBT.
Mobile Park LLC, Race group of companies
Since 1999, Race has been working on the development, implementation and operation of mobile object monitoring systems, as well as the creation of mobile positioning services integrated with the organizational, marketing, billing and technical resources of mobile operators. Since 2006, LBS (Location Based Services) has been allocated to a separate company – Mobile Park. The accumulated experience and focus on target groups allowed mobile operators, in partnership with Mobile Park, to organize services for fleet management, coordination of mobile personnel (fleet-management/mobile workforce management), as well as information and search services for mass subscribers.