Press release: The first Internet dispatch system in Eastern Europe has started operating in Russia.
Today , the metropolitan MegaFon network and the Russian system integrator Race Communications have presented a fully ready dispatcher Internet system WebLocator and a tariff plan "Locator" for connecting to it. Thus, for the first time in A commercial system has been put into operation in Russia and Eastern Europe on the basis of the current GSM operator mobile positioning.
The system put into operation allows you to view the routes of cars on the computer screen (on the website ), determine their current position, manage the transport fleet. The system keeps records and statistics, increases the safety and speed of transportation, reduces the costs of enterprises.
WebLocator is a new generation dispatch system that uses the resources of cellular networks (MegaFon) and the Internet. It solves the issues of separation of access rights and information security at the modern level, uses the latest achievements in the field of communications, implements advanced approaches in the field of transport management (Fleet Management).
- "WebLocator will be in demand by corporate clients of a wide profile, even small business companies. According to our calculations, the use of the system is relevant when the company has three or more cars, and the volume of monthly cargo transportation is from 5000 USD, " says Leonid Lopatin, Managing Director of Race Communications. - "Based on the experience of using similar systems in other countries, the reduction of "empty" mileage cars will be 15-20%, taking into account the increased discipline of drivers. Based on these figures, users of the system will primarily be a variety of carriers, emergency response and roadside assistance services, car rentals, as well as taxis and official transport."
- WebLocator allows you to radically reduce the cost of dispatching transport, making it affordable and economically feasible for a wide range of corporate users, - said Leonid Denisov, CEO of Sonic Duo" (MegaFon network in the Moscow region). Thanks to the joint work on the system together with Race Communications, we were able to be the first among Russian mobile operators to offer such a relevant service for Moscow.
To become a subscriber of the system , it is enough to conclude a contract for the provision of WebLocator services, connect to the mobile network Megafon according to the Locator tariff plan (federal numbers) and purchase subscriber equipment (car or wearable terminals). The general supplier of subscriber terminals for WebLocator is PRIN CJSC is a pioneer in the field of GPS solutions in Russia and CIS countries.
From today, the MegaFon network and Race Communications open the operation of the system only for corporate clients. During the first two months, customers will not be charged a monthly subscription fee. The location service will be provided on the territory of Moscow and the nearest Moscow region (20 km from the MKAD). Connection to the system during this period is free of charge.
At the beginning of 2003 , maps of Russia and Europe will be added to the system, and by the middle of the year, services will be opened not only for corporate clients, but also for individuals.