The WebLocator project is coming to the finish line.
At the exhibition "InfoCom 2002" the company "Sonic Duo", the operator of the Megafon network in the Moscow region, demonstrated the capabilities of the dispatching Internet system WebLocator. This project is implemented jointly by the companies "Race Communications", "Sonic Duo" and "Prin".
WebLocator is a multi -user system for monitoring and managing mobile objects. It allows you to monitor the routes of cars, display their current position on an electronic map (with an accuracy of up to 30 m), receive various information from sensors installed on board (for example, about the speed of movement) and effectively manage both a single car and a group or the entire transport fleet of the enterprise.
At the InfoCom 2002 exhibition, data transmission over the GPRS protocol was demonstrated. As you know, in this mode , the user pays only for the amount of information transmitted, which means that the cost of transferring data to the central dispatch center (CDC) is significantly reduced. As the head of the department noted Internet/intranet of Race Communications projects Mikhail Khazhinsky, due to the small spread of GPRS networks in Russia, at the first stage SMS messages will be the main transport of "reports" from the sides, while in most cases one short message is enough to transmit one "report".
The WebLocator system was first presented at the Svyaz-Expocomm 2002 exhibition. Since then, the system has been operated in pilot mode with up to 60 equipped cars. Over the past time, all technical issues of its operation have been resolved and the pilot commercial operation will begin on November 18. the project implementation phase. At this stage, all interested persons will be able to connect to the system , while they will not be charged a subscription fee. Only airtime is subject to payment.
The launch of the WebLocator system into commercial operation is scheduled for January 2003.
Learn more about the system WebLocator