Race Communications has completed a set of works to modernize the Blue Stream Pipeline Company B.V. network.

Race Communications has successfully completed a complex of works on the construction and modernization of the information and telecommunications infrastructure of Blue Stream Pipeline Company B.V. (BSPC, or “Blue Stream"). The company's employees have carried out work on the modernization of the international technological communication system, including terrestrial and satellite channels for transmitting technological information and telephone communication between the Beregovaya CS (Krasnodar Territory, Russia) and the Botash receiving terminal (Turkey). The system was built with the involvement of departmental telecom operators and public telecommunications operators.
As part of the project, a unified BSPC information system was built at the Beregovaya industrial site as part of a local area network (LAN), a structured cabling system (SCS), a power supply system for workplaces, server equipment and software. Currently, the system of the facility located in rural areas is connected to the Internet and public telephone networks.
BSPC is a Russian-Italian joint venture providing transportation of gas under the Black Sea from Russia to Turkey. BSPC has been cooperating with Race Communication since 2002. All work was carried out by Race Communications specialists within the prescribed time frame. The high level of the proposed technical solutions and the qualifications of the company's employees allowed us to solve all the tasks qualitatively.