Russian Russian language portal successfully hosted the I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Russian Language @ Literature @ Culture: current problems of learning and teaching in the CIS and Baltic countries" with the technical su

Russian Russian for All portal hosted the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Russian Language" for the first time on October 5 – 12, 2009.@Literature@Culture: actual problems of studying and teaching in the CIS and Baltic countries", organized by the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University with the assistance of the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature. Information support of the Conference was provided by ANO "ICC "Business Thesaurus", technical support - OOO "Race Information Technologies".
The Program Committee selected and published 111 reports and 1 competition paper on the Conference website using the RaceIT development team's toolkit. A total of 129 scientists from 16 countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Austria, Italy, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Vietnam, Indonesia) took part in the Conference.
As part of the online conference, a video teleconference was broadcast online between the participants of the round table "The use of the Internet in the dissemination of scientific and educational literature on RCT", gathered at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), in Russian cultural centers in Tel Aviv (Israel), Kiev (Ukraine), Brussels (Belgium), Budapest (Hungary). The round table was attended by representatives of educational literature publishers, managers, teachers and students of foreign cultural and educational centers and departments, textbook authors and teachers.